MCIGS Code of Conduct
Welcome to MCIGS!
The McHenry County Illinois Genealogical Society is committed to providing a professional, friendly, safe and welcoming experience for all participants at our online
webinars and meetings.
To help us ensure that our time together is positive and productive, we ask that participants abide by the following expectations:
The McHenry County Illinois Genealogical Society is committed to providing a professional, friendly, safe and welcoming experience for all participants at our online
webinars and meetings.
To help us ensure that our time together is positive and productive, we ask that participants abide by the following expectations:
- All participants are expected to maintain professional and civil discourse throughout each webinar/meeting. Participants may hear some views with which they do not agree. We encourage participants to consider views that differ from their own with an open mind and respond to differences in a respectful way.
- Participants are encouraged to limit distractions by closing or minimizing running apps, silencing smartphones, limiting multi-tasking and joining sessions from a quiet workspace. This will allow for maximum engagement during our time together.
- To help keep background noise to a minimum, we ask that participants remain on mute when they are not speaking. Should there be opportunities to unmute, such as for Q&A, we will be sure to let you know.
- Participants can use the chat feature in Zoom to leave comments and questions throughout the event. Someone from MCIGS will be monitoring the chat during each session.
We will not tolerate the following:
- Violent threats or language.
- Discriminatory or derogatory jokes and language.
- Posting sexually explicit or violent material.
- Posting, or threatening to post, people’s personally identifying information.
- Insults, especially those using discriminatory terms or slurs.
- Behavior that could be perceived as sexual attention.
- Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behaviors.
We expect you to be professional, considerate, respectful and collaborative with all whom you come into contact - from fellow online event attendees to staff and volunteers involved with our virtual experience. We respect and encourage your participation and we appreciate your help in making our meetings and webinars the very best that they can be.